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Emily Walker
Emily Walker
93% successful rate
76 completed orders
59 reviews
Wondering who can write a unique upscale paper for you? For Emily Walker, there is nothing impossible! Having a Ph.D. degree in the Psychology and Sociology sphere, she perfectly manages to cope with all types of assignments: essays, term papers, lab reports, dissertations, and others. Our customers define Emily as a professional paper writer who is always eager to help.

What Is a Position Paper – Free Writing Guide for Beginners


Academic writing covers all course units in the form of different essay types. A position paper is a type of essay where the writer provides concrete opinions relating to a certain study. The writer can express their own opinion or from another credible source. These essays are applicable in various …


How to Start a Paper About Yourself: Win-Win Options


Learners assigned to handle an essay about their personality are often puzzled and even overwhelmed by the lack of understanding of its structure, logic, etc. The paramount focus should be on realizing the purpose of such an assignment. Then, you can troubleshoot and make a draft of an outline for …


How to Write an Expository Essay in 2024


Before starting our guide on how you should write an expository essay, let’s take a closer look at the definition of this type of essay. An expository essay is a type of academic writing in which you need to create your vision based on the idea, subject, or even someone. …