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Customer Service Cover Letter – How to Write It Right
A cover letter should be very professional and appealing for any profession it relates to, and customer service is no exception. A good cover letter starts with a greeting to the hiring manager, shows why you qualify for the position, and has features that ensure the recruiter of your commitment to the job. It’s a one-page document, and everything in it should be written in a concise and clear manner.
Use the first or last name of the hiring manager in the greeting depending upon the company’s culture. Include a professional sounding email address. This article provides an insight into the essentials of a cover letter including these and other tips so that you can add a perfect cover to your resume.
Professional Cover Letter – Let’s Introduce It First
A cover letter is the name of a document that’s only one-page long and is submitted with a resume in a job application. It provides an insight into the work experience the candidate has in relevance to the position that’s advertised. The point behind having a cover letter is to add a proper introduction to the resume with a letter that’s compelling and personalized. The candidate wants to request the hiring manager to read the resume attached with it. It serves as a resume’s cover.
All good cover letters share the common element of being based on a template that’s proven and effective. Referring to your education and experience, you have to convince the reader that you qualify best for this position. Also, you want to convince the recruiter that you’ll replicate the professionalism you’ve displayed in your past jobs in the new position too.
Essential Features of the Best Cover Letter Header
Yes, you need to start with the basics. Any professional resume cover letter has a header that respects the principles of formal business letters. So it necessarily has the following things in it:
- The name of the applicant.
- Phone number of the candidate.
- Email address of the employee.
- Date.
- Name and professional title of the hiring manager.
- Name of enterprise which advertises the job.
In addition to these elements, an applicant may add his/her:
- Professional title.
- Address.
- Links to Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media accounts.
- Links to professional sites.
- City of residence – although it’s not compulsory, yet it lends a professional touch to the cover letter. It’s particularly recommendable for inclusion in highly official cover letters.
Easy Tips for the Contact Information in a Cover Letter
You should make every attempt to lend your cover letter a professional appeal. You should pay attention to details, and see what kind of features work best to generate a professional image of you as an applicant. There are some things you can do to make this happen. For instance:
- Include an email address that has been generated by a professional provider. If you have a personal domain, it’s best to go with that. Else, use a Gmail account.
- Go for an email address that just contains your first and last name, g. [email protected].
- Use an email address that’s different from your present work email. Using the current one is impolite to the existing as well as the prospective
- Maintain consistency between your contact information all across the platforms where your information can be accessed, including your resume and your profiles on social media.
- Get all details of the cover letter header justified to the left.
Include a Greeting in the Cover Letter Right at the Start
A cover letter is addressed to the manager who’s doing the hiring process, and who’ll read the resume. If you know the name of the manager who’s recruiting, include that in the cover letter and address the letter to him/her. If you are unsure of the name, then include only the department’s name in the addressee section, e.g. ‘ABC Marketing Department’. The very first thing the manager sees in your cover letter should be your greeting. Here’s how to make the greeting attention-grabbing:
Dear Monica,
Yes, that’s true. Use the name of the hiring manager.
Most people instantly react when they see their name used – they focus more on the thing that comes right next. Seeing their names in the cover letters’ greeting sections, the recruiting personnel get the reassurance of special treatment by the applicants. It sets the impression that you took care to learn the names of the recruiters and tailor the letters for them. This reflection of effort is an instant plus point in favor of your application. If you’ve cared to go that far, the employers also get an idea that what is to follow is exactly what they’ve been looking for in the resumes. You may use the name directly or with a title like Mr., Ms. or Mrs.
You might be confused about whether it’s more suitable to use the recruiter’s first name or surname for writing a good cover letter. Well, it depends upon the culture of a company. Do some homework on the enterprise culture by visiting their website and learning about them elsewhere. If you find the culture to be relaxed and casual, you may use the first name of the hiring manager. However, for corporate cover letters, it’s better to use the surname of the addressee.
There are different methods of determining the name of the recruiter. It may be printed right there on the job post you saw to learn about this opportunity. If not that, you can determine it from the email address provided in the job post. Go to the company’s website and see who that email address belongs to.
It’s advisable to address the cover letter to the person who’s actually hiring, even if it has to go through a recruiter. When you can’t determine the name of the hiring manager, you may use such substitutes as ‘Dear Hiring Team’ or ‘Dear Hiring Manager’. You may as well write ‘To Whom It May Concern’. Starting a cover letter with ‘Dear Sir’, ‘Dear Madam’ or ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ is not recommendable as it works against the culture in many parts of the world.
Briefly Sum Up the Most Important and Relevant Details
A cover letter is read before the resume is seen. Therefore, it should contain the most prominent and distinguishing features of your profile. One question you should answer in it is – why you should be selected for this position? Answer this question drawing upon the most relevant achievements, skills, and experiences you’ve gained so far from your education and practical work.
Do conduct some research on the company before writing the letter. Learn about its plans and goals, and hint upon them in the cover letter saying, “I am aware of ABC’s current plans to develop…” Also, tell the hiring manager how your personal and professional interests are aligned with the company’s goals.
Here’s a Perfect Ending for Cover Letter Writing
It’s very important to end the letter with a message for the hiring manager. You may say something like “I welcome the opportunity to have a word about your customer service objectives and demonstrate how my skills and expertise can help you achieve the organizational goals.” At the end, write the following:
Kind regards,
Paul Philips.
Here’s What You Can Do If You Can’t Write It Yourself
There shouldn’t be any problem writing cover letter if you properly follow the aforementioned tips. However, if it’s not possible for you to do it yourself for any reason, you are advised to take the services of our experts. They have years of experience of providing a cover letter customer service. With their professional expertise and technical acumen, they’ve helped thousands of professionals to date. They are very skilled in this work and can produce an excellent cover letter even if you can’t allow them much time for that.
To use our services, all you need to do is place the order using a simple process. You’ll provide your details in an order form and deliver a nominal fee using a safe and secure payment channel. As soon as the order is placed, we appoint a talented writer for the job – somebody who is from the profession or has deep knowledge of the position you are applying for. Work starts on your project instantaneously and you get an excellent cover letter by the deadline.
Here on our website, professionalism of service is guaranteed. Therefore, you can rest assured that your letter will be written within the time you allow, and best summarize your particular profile details most concisely. Also, all the content it contains will be written from scratch. Give us a call.